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Thank You

The comments to this blog have been incredibly kind and sensitive and many people have told me that they read entry after entry at one sitting. They tell me not just to praise me, but also to blame me for making them stay up until 3 o’clock in the morning. I’m never quite sure how to answer this. Read faster, start earlier…what can I say?

I am simultaneously stunned and thrilled that my experience resonates with others and while it helps me tremendously to write, forcing me to pinpoint my feelings, it seems to be helping others, as well.

My goal is to expand this blog into book form. I’m working on a book proposal now and I’m searching for a new literary agent. I’m pretty sure that if I’m lucky enough to get an agent who will find “Poor Widow Me” a publisher, some bigshot will tell me to stop the presses on this blog or certainly limit the content. We can’t have a fairly large chunk of the book’s material out there on the internet while trying to sell the book.

I’m writing this now for two reasons. One, to thank everyone who has been reading and commenting and two, maybe you’ve noticed that I used to post approximately twice a week. I am purposely slowing down my entries to be about once every ten days so I can keep the blog active and yet not give away so much content. Capice?

So, I won’t count this as a post because that wouldn’t be fair and we all know how fair life is, right? I’ll post a new entry tomorrow and from now on a little more sparcely – once every 10 days or so.

Thank you for reading and thank you for your encouragement. See you tomorrow.

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