Some mornings I have an awareness that Jimmy floated into my dream, but he hasn’t played a starring role…until last night.
In my dream I’m sitting alone in a theatre. I seem to know the people on stage and suddenly Jimmy is there and he says,
“Let’s go sit with the Luxury people.” (Luxury is the name of a
Jimmy’s company that I’m trying to sell)
I go with him and I sit down, but we’re all the way to the side and it’s hard to see. Everything looks out of focus, too.
That’s it. I woke up. Later in the day I called my friend Mimi Scott who’s an actress and a therapist figuring this is a perfect dream for her to analyze.
She said,
“You’re making decisions independently that are making you feel good
rather than just going along. You’re learning to trust yourself.”
I think she’s right. I thought about all the choices I made over this last almost year and and as hard as it is to make them alone, when I do, I feel stronger and more grown-up.
I believe if Jimmy came back tomorrow I would challenge him more. Although, I didn’t in my dream…