I don’t remember where I heard this, but I never forgot it. Once there was a young mother feeling tired and spent. She came across a vibrant and radiant fifty/sixty/seventy something grandma boomer much like me (and you?) The young …
Everyone will try anything to make a baby giggle. Even serious types drop their phony English accents and transform into Bozo the Clown with prat falls, Donald Duck sounds and made-up games that are often disturbing. Besides cuddling, silly play …
“The reason grandchildren and grandparents get along so well is that they have a common enemy.” ~ Sam Levenson, humorist~ They look like people, but they’re taller and louder and they seem to take up an entire room. Like an …
My sister was my first roommate. My bassinet was placed besides her bed, and I have pictures of her at three years old rocking me to sleep. That’s what she says she was doing, but she says it in a …
One Monday morning a friend asked me what my husband and I did over the weekend. I told her, “My best friend hates my husband, her husband hates me and I’m not too crazy about him. We all went to …
No. That’s what they tell you when you’re really not that smart. And, you fall for it because you’re really not that smart. ‘They’ shout out the following a little too loudly and just a tinge too enthusiastically. ~Billy is …
Our kids read 79 books, 44 blogs, listened to 67 podcasts and bookmarked 1200 websites about infants, but nothing prepared them for no sleep and hormones that bounce around like silly putty. When we were young moms suffering from baby …
Winston Churchill said, “All babies look like me.” Of course, that isn’t true. All babies look like Nathan Lane. Just picture him freshly born, snug in a pastel blanket, a knit cap on his head and his mouth opened ready …
The problem with bragging about our grandkids is that we’re all living longer so our friends and family will be around to see that our five year old who reads at a 4th grade level is now twenty seven and …
If your kids live nearby and you expect that your new grandchild will be visiting often you’ll need many of the same baby items at your house. These products are expensive. A forward thinking Grandma Boomer solves this dilemma by …