Son-granddaughter-daughter and some stranger’s back
It came as a real surprise to me that so many of you wrote to ask about our family trip to Puerto Rico. I was touched as I read your e-mails, but I stopped at 674. I have better things to do with my time, you know!
Below are a some questions/answers that I hand picked to share here. While I appreciate your interest, I chose not to print the ones – that frankly – looked like they were written by a chimpanzee. One was actually signed, Love, Zippy.
No offense, but now that I’m aware of the reading level of the people attracted to this blog I will attempt to dumb down my entries. I honestly didn’t think that was possible.
Q & A (Questions and Answers)
“On your trip to Puerto Rico did you end up going zip ling?”
NO – but we did go to a classy restaurant that zip lines the orders…
“I read that you hate to get wet, but did you go in the water, anyway?”
YES – and I left my spray tan in the pool – Walked in bronzed – came out white – a victim of chlorine poisoning…beware!
“Any provocative photos of you in a bathing suit you can post?
YES, very sexy…please check in daily– will post them sooooon…
“Did you bring home any souvenirs?”
YES – Cigars for my nephew – they had beetles in them. He smoked them, anyway. Now he’s addicted to beetles.
“Did you win in the casino?”
What is your definition of ‘win?’
Well, that’s all on the trip folks. In all seriousness, along with discovering that San Juan has some steep hills and it’s a bad idea to wear sandals to town, year six for my family and me turned out to be the magic number for being comfortable on vacation together without expecting Jimmy to be around each corner.
I guess you could say we turned a corner. It feels good – more than good – it feels great! Wishing you the same on your journey…