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Lunch with Another Widow

Dear Carol,

Can we have lunch? I am loath to put in an email what is going on in my mind and heart right now. Yes, even under a pseudonym, it is still too embarrassing.

I respect your opinion very much. So far on your Blog site you have pretty much nailed it for all the comers as far as I am concerned.

I see you mention Long Island…I am in Rockland County. I would gladly make the trip. Lunch is on me. Please!

Embarrassed Barbara

Dear Embarrassed Barbara,

I saw a cartoon in The New Yorker magazine that showed a guy on the phone looking at his calendar and it read: How does NEVER work for you?

If you have something so weird going on that you can’t write it to me in
an anonymous e-mail I’m not sure I want to be in the same restaurant with you and certainly not sitting across a table from you.

Shoot me an e-mail. Don’t want you to shoot me.


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